Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Barry Bonds, Racist
by Nicholas Stix

Barry Bonds hates white people. In an excerpt from former Chicago White Sox player Ron Kittle’s book, Ron Kittle's Tales from the White Sox Dugout, that appeared in yesterday’s Southtown News newspaper from suburban Chicago, Kittle quotes Bonds as saying, "I don't sign for white people." The setting was the visitors’ clubhouse at the Chicago Cubs’ Wrigley Field, in 1993. Kittle, by then retired from the game, had asked Bonds to sign two jerseys he’d worn in games, so that Kittle could auction the jerseys for his charity helping kids with cancer, Indiana Sports Charities.

"I paid about $110 of my own money for them, so they could be auctioned off at the golf outing. I did that all the time for stars like Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Derek Jeter and Roger Clemens. When I tell them how their autographs help the cause, every player gladly signs — with one exception. “I walked up to Bonds at his locker in the Wrigley Field visitors' clubhouse, introduced myself and said, ‘Barry, if you sign these, they'll bring in a lot of money for kids who need help.

“Bonds stood up, looked me in the eye and said, ‘I don't sign for white people.’ If lightning hits me today, I will swear those were his exact words. Matt Williams and other Giants were in the room and they heard what Bonds said. “I stood there for a minute, and the veins in my neck were popping. I've only been that mad a few times in my life. I was going to beat the (heck) out of him, really kick his (butt), but Williams saw what was happening, so he came over and got between us. Matt said, ‘Ron, that's just the way he is.’

“I said, ‘White guys aren't the only ones who get cancer,’ but Bonds had turned his back on me and walked out of the clubhouse. Somebody must have run in and alerted Dusty Baker, who was the manager of the Giants then.

“So Dusty came out of his office, put his arm around me, gave me a big old hug and said, ‘Aw, Kitty, he's just got that (bad) attitude again.’ Dusty gave me an autographed team ball for the auction, but I never got the Bonds jerseys signed. Later, I gave one of them to Scott Paulson, the Wilson sporting goods representative, and shredded the other one. But that day, I drove from Wrigley Field at about 150 miles per hour and sat there, fuming.

“I'll never forget what that man said. So if Barry Bonds is looking for a breath of fresh air to live and I'm the only one who has to give it to him, unfortunately, the man will die. I just don't like guys like that."

The Southland News reported that Bonds’ spokeswoman and a Giants’ spokesman both declined comment on the story. I could see how lefty readers might doubt that Kittle is telling the truth. After all, those white devils just can’t be trusted. Besides, hasn’t Barry Bonds told us himself of his sufferings at the hands of white racism? Maybe Ron Kittle is just another evil, white racist. Indeed, Prof. Leonard Moore of LSU has informed us that a great many white people do in fact resent Bonds’ march through the record books. As Katherine Corcoran reported in the March 30 San Jose Mercury News,

“Still, there are many who argue that race is at the core of the San Francisco Giants super-slugger's troubles. They see a time-worn pattern of a federal government and a predominantly white media tearing down a strong black athlete - who this time happens to be on the cusp of besting the home run mark of a beloved white icon.

"‘If you have a black man who's conscious and independent and on the verge of breaking Babe Ruth's record...that's frightening,’ said Leonard Moore, a Louisiana State University professor who teaches a course on the history of the African-American athlete. ‘If you speak out, if you don't play to what white America wants, there will be persecution, scrutiny and unfair reporting.’”

There are four things wrong with Leonard Moore’s statement. Bonds is not on the verge “of breaking Babe Ruth’s record,” because Babe Ruth doesn’t hold the home run record, and hasn’t held it since Hank Aaron broke it on April 8, 1974. Leonard Moore doesn’t seem to know anything about the history of black athletes in America. When Hank Aaron was bearing down on the Babe’s ghost, some whites were indeed angry, and sent him hate mail, including death threats. (Not “frightened,” mind you, which is an old liberal cliché that exists only to make sanctimonious lefties feel morally superior to their opponents.) But when Aaron broke the Babe’s record, that was that. The reasons for conjuring up a non-existent record, are to steal Hank Aaron’s ordeal for use by Bonds, and so that frauds like Leonard Moore can claim that white Americans are as racist as they ever were, and black Americans are the same victims they were under Jim Crow. Far from suffering from unfair reporting, Barry Bonds has enjoyed a holiday from serious scrutiny. In an unwitting self-caricature, in 2002, the New York Times sent a well-connected lefty, David Grann, who knew nothing about baseball to do a puff piece on Bonds. Grann thought that baseball teams were led by “head coaches”; he didn’t know that baseball teams have managers, and neither did his clueless editor at the Times Sunday Magazine, Adam Moss. Grann insinuated that Bonds and his father, Bobby, both were victimized by white racism. Most black public figures enjoy a holiday from journalistic scrutiny, unless racist black activists or journalists have deemed them “insufficiently black.” The lack of scrutiny of black public figures or black social pathologies derives from black race-baiting and racist black newsroom enforcers and their white allies. Black celebrities intimidate white media by declaring in advance that the white media are racist. For years, singer Whitney Houston has been the master of this game. She has repeatedly declared that the “white media” seek to break up her troubled marriage to singer Bobby Brown, all the while enjoying sycophantic puff pieces from that same, supposedly racist white media. And as William McGowan has shown in his book, Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism, black staffers and editors (I call them racist black newsroom enforcers) in every major newsroom see to it that black public figures and social problems get softball treatment. For instance, corrupt, black Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry got away with murder for years, because black staffers at the Washington Post refused to expose him, and sandbagged any white staffers who tried. In Jill Nelson’s memoir of her time as a well-paid Post staffer, Volunteer Slavery, Nelson referred to her white superiors, such as socialist editor Ben Bradlee, as “white boys,” and bragged of having intervened to skew coverage of Barry, so that readers would not discover that a woman had charged the mayor with having raped her. Racist blacks and their leftwing, white allies still push the myth of the independent, and thus persecuted, successful black man. In the revised, 1995 version of his 1992 race book, Two Nations, white political scientist Andrew Hacker suggested that a white conspiracy targeted successful black men such as Marion Barry, Mike Tyson, and O.J. Simpson. Barry was protected for years by a conspiracy – a black conspiracy of silence. Tyson was charged with rape by a young black woman, Desiree Washington, and eventually convicted. White folks had nothing to do with it. And as for O.J., the less said, the better. There is no record of any whites being upset at Bonds breaking Ruth’s “record.” There is, however, a paper trail of blacks claiming that whites would be thus upset. Leonard Moore got his claim not from whites but as my colleague Lisa Fabrizio wrote two years ago, from one Barry Bonds. In July, 2003, Bonds announced,

"755 isn't a number that's always caught my eye--the only number I'm concerned with is Babe Ruth's. As a left-handed hitter, I wiped him out. That's it. And in the baseball world, Babe Ruth's everything, right? I got his (single season) slugging percentage, I got him on on-base, I got him on walks and then I'll take his (lifetime) home run record and that's it. Don't talk about him no more."
White people were never concerned about Barry Bonds overtaking Babe Ruth; that was Bonds’ own obsession! And why? Because Babe Ruth is white, and Bonds fancies that overtaking Ruth would somehow drive white folks crazy. As I said, the man is seeking to steal Hank Aaron’s life. I’ll tell you, though, this is one white man who would be mighty angry, if Bonds “broke” Hank Aaron’s record. That in contrast to the spoiled baseball brat Bonds, Aaron actually did have to confront white racism, is just one of the accomplishments that make him tower over Bonds. Aaron had to hit within a much larger strike zone, against pitchers who stood on a higher mound, in ball parks with much deeper outfields, with a ball that was not juiced up, and with little of the watering-down of pitching that expansion caused. And last but not least, Aaron didn’t get his power out of a syringe, a bottle or a drug. His muscles were his own. If Aaron had had Bonds’ many advantages, he’d have hit over 900 dingers. The racial significance of Bonds and Leonard Moore’s statements is that you had one black man, Bonds, express his hatred of white folks, and then another black man, Moore, take Bonds’ statement and act as though it expressed white racism, rather than Bonds’ own black racism. And Moore’s racism, too, since he knew what he was doing. I suppose that in an age in which black race hoaxes are produced as if on an assembly line (if only America could produce goods the way it produces scams!), I supposed it would be hyperbole to call Bonds and Moore’s invention of white racists a hoax, so I’ll call it a hoaxette. Imagine a white player making racist statements. Oh, but we don’t have to. When relief pitcher John Rocker made politically incorrect statements about the riders on New York’s 7 train, he was forced to undergo psychological counseling and publicly debase himself. Actually, Rocker was never as openly racist as Bonds. (And if the people writing on Rocker had done any research, they would have known that his statement bore no resemblance to the 7 train, which is known in New York as the “Orient Express,” due to its heavily Asian ridership. It sounded to me as if Rocker had never even been on the 7 train.) We may need to stop comparing Barry Bonds to another foul-tempered, great left-handed hitter, Ted Williams, and start comparing him to another of baseball’s most vile racists, Ty Cobb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as we have straight talking, fair minded writers like Nicholas Stix, there will always be hope for the righteous in America to prevail.

6/02/2005 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm can I say it best? Fuck you!

6/02/2005 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This artical free's the truth. And for some readers the truth will hurt. It hurts so much that they will deny the reality of the truth. And the day that happens will truly be a sad.

6/03/2005 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is alot of truth in what is written here. Political correctness has gone too far, and openly racist individuals are not being criticized for their racism which is wrong. A country divided is closer to being defeated.

But do keep in mind that the days of open discrimination based on color are not too far away from us (40 years ago). Instead of focusing on hating barry bonds because of his racist behavior, I prefer to hate him because he is a steroid abusing asshole. Now isnt that a much more racially neutral way to think about this? People that are as psychologically damaged as he is are beyond being racist... They are in a steroid driven rage and in a state of psychosis... Trying to figure out the reason behind what they say is a waste of time...

6/03/2005 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without steroid abuse, he is still a racist jerk. He has made a mint from white fans in the stands as well as black. He has gotten wealthy and famous playing a kid's game, for God's sake!

But - it is true - this prize, sullenly arrogant joke of a man is no Henry Aaron - or, as entertainment goes, Babe Ruth. Or Frank Robinson, or Lou Gehrig or . . . any much more than of a fame as Ty Cobb has earned his foul stripe of 'racist' . . .

6/04/2005 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an excellent story. Its become so tiresome to read a celebrity immediately blame the media for their problems when they're caught red-handed. Its nice to Barroid exposed a little.

The funny thing is, that if he weren't an ass, he would get a free pass. Sammy Sosa doesn't get 1/100th the heat that Barry Bonds does, basically because Sammy acts like a great guy as long as he's in public (whether he is or isn't is open to debate)m signs stuff and smiles, smiles, smiles.

Did Sammy blame the media for exploding the story of his corked bat? No, he owned up to his mistake (albeit after being caught).

6/06/2005 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent article, particularly the reference to John Rocker. He was villified for what were somewhat funny, though obviously ignorant statements. It's the old double standard. I'm sure many will think this article itself is racist, showing how warped much of the thinking about race is.

6/10/2005 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't put that very well. Let me try again. What John Rocker did was far less egregious than what Barry Bonds did to Kittle. Rocker was revealing the perspective of the wide-eyed rube in the city. I think it was pretty harmless, though not politically correct. And let's face it. John Rocker isn't the brightest bulb in the box. But Bonds was downright cruel, particularly given the circumstances. Kittle was strong as an ox and probably would have been able to break Bonds in two had he not had as much self-control as he did. I think Bobby Bonds, Barry's father was a class act. I'm not sure why his son turned out to be such a spoiled brat. And his defense that he was married to a white woman, proving that he couldn't be racist, is ridiculous. Many black racists have either been married or involved with white women. Just because they lust after white women doesn't mean that they aren't racists. Amiri Baraka and Malcolm X come to mind. I don't know what's more annoying: blacks who play the race card or whites who are so afraid of appearing to be racists that they apply a double standard when dealing with blacks, letting blacks get away with something for which they would crucify a white person. I'm guessing the second person to post here, the articulate one who said, " can I say it best? Fuck you!" is one or the other.

6/10/2005 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orient Express? you racist mother fucker.

6/10/2005 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story. Being a white man living in a black neighborhood I can tell you blacks are more racist than whites. My bi-racial daughter has only been the victum of racism by blacks. My black wife and myself have never seen a white be racist towards us, but have seen many times blacks be racist towards us bacause of our skin color. How many black men living today, have been shot at because of their skin color? I have been shot at or treatened with a gun many times by black men because of the color of my skin. If I were black and whites were pulling guns on me, my story would be on the cover of the USA today.

6/15/2005 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right, Don. The political correctness that dominates our society is sickening. I feel bad for you and agree with your USA Today comment. I live in a largely black neighborhood, too, something I bet most of the politically correct police who dominate our media do not. I've noticed that cynics who seem to hold nothing sacred are as politically correct as anyone when it comes to race. I have in mind the typical audience at the Bill Maher show on HBO. They gave Jesse Jackson a standing ovation. This type of person does exactly what Martin Luther King did not want people to do. They judge a man by the color of his skin, not the content of his character. I suspect people of this type instinctively side with who they perceive to be the victim and always against the person in power. They won't let the details get in the way of that. Political correctness is most odious when it is used to distort reality in order to best satisfy some type of agenda. The key point is that it is DISTORTING the facts of the case, either through blatant misrepresentations, or through the emphasis of certain aspects of something and the minimization of other aspects, in order to have the facts neatly fall into that politically correct and often intellectually lazy worldview.

7/10/2005 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the white man with the black one shot at you because you were white,that is BS, and black men get shot at everyday. If your daughter can't handle what is dished out that is your fault for producing a biracial child in the first place.You are not supposed to race mix anyways, so I don't feel sorry for yor child.

9/24/2005 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all of you right-wing motherfuckers get leprosy of the hemorrhoids. I'm going to impregnate more white bitches with my black seed. Peace.

9/30/2005 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before I wright this I want EVERYONE to know that I am not racist, even though I might be a "culturalist" sometimes. I believe that some black pricks make the other black people, who do something with their lives and not play the victim, look bad. I've seen it all and I'm being STRAIGHT UP HONEST and calling it like it is so if you don't like it I guess you'll just have to go home and cry about it (or fuck a women of a different race for revenge, whatever suits you). Having said that...
Hey there anonymous man above, I get so sick and tired of your racist black bullshit, ANYONE can be with who they want and reproduce with who they want. AND IT IS TRUE that a lot of blacks get attention from media when a white does something to them and a white does not get as much attention when he gets shot at by blacks. You say you want equal rights and call upon the hallowed name of the great Martin Luther King Jr. to back up your racist remarks. So let me tell you and all other racist blacks (and not the good black folk who have any sense) that Mr. King is rolling in his grave right now because of what you do. He meant what he said when he talked about equality. What he DID NOT mean was "make everything even by getting back at the white man". You won't find that quote in ANY of his preachings. When Father King said, "I have a dream...", he sure as hell didn't have people like you in mind. I bet you blame whites for every damned thing going wrong in you lives. But maybe it's better that whites are here because then you'd have an excuse for all your greed, drugs, violence in schools, abandoning your children and your lazy government collecting asses. I want you to know that just because you said what you said, I'm going to have sex with my beautiful black wife tonight and hear her wisper in my ear how she loves me so much and thank me for rescuing her from all the bad and racist black men in her life that dissed her at every chance. She's so glad to know that I will stay the father of all our beautiful biracial children and they will actually know their father and know who he is. So I think it's safe to say that you bitch about white man and are gonna fuck all his women to make him mad but YOU are the true downfall of black society. You make Father King sick in Heaven and you make me and other whites and blacks sick on Earth. So FUCK YOU too, you damned RACIST.

3/02/2006 09:31:00 AM  
Blogger Kofi Gyasi said...

Sure and white people aren't racist, huh?

3/30/2006 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its obvious from all the comments here that people who say White Americans are mad because Bonds is about to break Babe Ruths record are absolutely 100% right.

How childish are you guys, like someone says, its just a kiddies game.

3/31/2006 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hate him because he's a big nigger...

5/02/2006 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you ARE a racist with caveman-like ideals.

Who the hell said that you're not supposed to mix races?? YOUR bible?

God created man in HIS image.

Suck up and bust and may God deal with your ignorance swiftly and appropriately.

Dumbass WHITE nigger.

6/08/2006 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow we can really see the colors of some by there statements here cant we? "fuck you" "right wing mother fuckers" ??? come on these people are pissed because a truth has been exposed and well guess what THE TRUTH HURTS!!! Barry dosent deserve this record and the fact that the giants are paying him almost 16mil next season so he has a shot at breaking the record is insane in itself. He is a racist and a horrible person. Personally 755 will always stand to me. Put Arron up against todays leauges and see how many he hits I bet that number is more than 755 :)

1/30/2007 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article, no matter what skin color you are you should fuckin read the facts before making an opinion. barry bonds fans litterally read no facts or put them aside because of stubborn reasons. if you want a real black hero in baseball look at ken griffey, not some jealous motherfucker that took roids to get attention on his then fading career

7/20/2007 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember that a couple of years ago Bonds was attributed with a comment about not caring about breaking Aaron's record becuase he was black, but his real goal was in eclipsing Ruth's record because he was not. Does anyone else remember this and/or have any printed reference to it?

8/07/2007 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry Bonds is a steroid user and a liar and cheat. Anybody with any eyes can see that. Nobody puts on that much muscle and weight, as fast as he did, and is not taking steroids. Hell, look at McGuire. He and Bonds should holds hands, and go down in flames, and both loose any and all records they are set, since their great bulk up in body muscle. Cheats and jerks are just cheats and jerks, no matter what color they are, and there is no place for them in Baseball or any other sport, because they not only cheat their fans, they cheat their fellow athletes and team mates, nothing and nobody has the right to excuse them for that.

10/04/2007 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who come back in comments like the some of the ones I have read hear, ARE RACIST THEMSELVES and Martin Luther King, would be ASHAMED OF YOU and HE WOULD TELL YOU SO TOO YOUR FACE, BECAUSE YOU ARE EVERYTHING HE FOUGHT AGAINST HIS WHOLE LIVES, AND YOU HAVE FAILED HIM COMPLETELY, AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES, AND YOU SHOULD GET ON YOUR KNEES AND ASK GOD FOR FORGIVENESS,because you not only have you failed Mr. King, but you have failed your people, your race as well, and because of that, and being how many others are just like you, your race is doomed to continue killing each other, fathering children and then runninf off and leave them, to live on welfare for generations and generations, and only get morally weaker and weaker until you faulter and die off. That is what happens eventually to haters, users, cheats. Good Work, Martin Luther King would be so proud of condition of his people. Money meaning more to them, than raising their children, more to them than bling,more to them than fame. I feel sorry for all of you, you are some really sad indivduals.

10/04/2007 04:35:00 PM  

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