Saturday, September 03, 2005

New Orleans, and the Hurricane Next Time

By Nicholas Stix A hurricane hit New Orleans. However, America has suffered many such hurricanes, and will suffer many more to come. Whether she can endure them, is another story. Looks like America to Me ‘It doesn’t look like America; it looks like a third world country.’ That was the refrain from CNN reporters such as Sanjay Gupta in New Orleans on Friday. The problem is, New Orleans looks all too much like America – as in urban, “multicultural” America. Meanwhile, black politicians were saying that the issue is “racial.” You have a majority black city whose 480,000 residents were warned to evacuate, yet approximately 150,000 (31.2 percent) declined to. (I am allowing for 10,000-20,000 old and/or disabled people, like the 94-year-old man stuck in his apartment with a dozen eggs and a few gallons of water, who could not evacuate.) Most of the angry people shown waiting for transport appeared to me to be able-bodied. You have armed young black men roaming the city streets, looting, raping, murdering and carjacking. You have rescue workers in helicopters who are fired on by gun-toting “victims,” and who then flee to save themselves. You have national guardsmen in the streets ordered not to do their jobs. You have a black mayor, Ray Nagin, who failed to do his job and then cried racism, condemning the Great White Father for not bailing him out, and complaining about a lack of National Guardsmen, as if he would tolerate the Guard doing its job. You have Jesse Jackson, crying racism, insisting that had the victims been white that help would have arrived in a hurry, and diminishing the savagery in the streets as a few people taking “TV sets.” You have socialist media opportunists racially pandering to racist, black demagogues. You have smirking, effete snob Los Angeles Times editorialist Jon Healy, claiming that the omniscient, omnipotent feds knew exactly what to expect, and should have responded with lightning speed to avert disaster. You have CNN anchor Paula Zahn, attacking the Bush Administration, by way of feeding black politicians rhetorical softball questions. You have Larry King, “asking” racist Cong. Elijah Cummings, former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, “Do you think if New Orleans were two-thirds white instead of two-thirds black, this wouldn’t have happened?” Those weren’t questions, they were despicable cases of racist grandstanding. To Cong. Cummings’ credit, he sought to de-emphasize race, emphasizing instead that these were poor people “with no money, and nowhere to go.” A black woman named Kesha Booker said that the people who stayed in New Orleans “are living paycheck to paycheck, in dire straits.” And yet, during the Great Depression, whites who had no jobs, no paychecks, and nowhere to go, traveled cross-country, in search of work. And they hadn’t even been warned to evacuate in the face of an approaching hurricane. And you have white doctors and nurses saving black patients, and a white president who is expected to save the day. And then be damned, no matter what he does. I’m sorry. I know that some of my readers are thinking, “Well, golly. He’s not the most compassionate type.” It’s true. Compassion is not my greatest virtue. If it’s compassion you want, you need to find yourself some white Evangelical Christians and Orthodox Jews. Those are the folks who are always going out of their way to give their time, their money, their sweat, and sometimes their lives, saving strangers who are not even of the same faith or race. You know, the guys for whom the socialist mainstream media have only contempt. I was raised a secular humanist, and secular humanism has no room for compassion. Excepting for libertarians, who don’t even claim to have compassion, secular humanists claim to feel compassion for blacks and Hispanics, and illegal immigrants, oops, undocumented immigrants, and homosexuals, but what they really have is political loyalty to those groups and a corresponding political enmity towards (non-socialist) heterosexual white Americans. If they really had compassion, they’d feel it for white Evangelicals and Orthodox Jews, as well as for all those groups whom they politically protect … and live off of. The only CNN reporter who showed any decency or courage was Anderson Cooper, who pointed out – also by way of rhetorical questions -- to Jesse Jackson that New Orleans is a black-run city, that Mayor Nagin is black, and that it was Mayor Nagin’s responsibility to take care of his constituents. CNN security consultant Richard Falkenrath said as much, in a roundabout way, when he contradicted Jon Healy. “There was a cascading failure of public infrastructure that we hadn’t planned for.” English translation: ‘The first line of defense always is constituted by local authorities. You know, the sewer and water and transportation and police and fire and health departments. Well, not only did one of them screw up, but they all screwed up, one on top of the other. Imagine the 102 stories of the World Trade Center towers collapsing one on top of the other on 911, and you have an idea of the failures by local authorities.’ No federal agency can ever swoop in fast enough to compensate for such incompetence at the local level. The locals must always hold the fort for several days, until the feds can get their airlifts and personnel organized and at the scene of the catastrophe. That Jon Healy would damn the feds while absolving local officials of responsibility shows either incredible ignorance or breath-taking dishonesty. The contrast to Mississippi could not have been more stark. Mississippi had less warning about Katrina. And yet, once people heard that Katrina was coming, they got in their cars and drove away. CNN’s Anderson Cooper reported from Waveland, MS, where a married white couple and the husband’s mother had returned to see the leveled house they’d lost. In New Orleans, 150,000 people refused to leave, despite railroad lines and bus depots. Mayor Nagin likes the title of mayor and the power the job confers, but like most black urban mayors, he refuses to lead. Or rather, he thinks that leadership begins with demanding nourishment from white people, and ends with biting the hands that feed him. As the blog Our Way of Life showed (a tip o’ the hat to Steve Sailer), Mayor Nagin had hundreds of buses sitting around in parking lots prior to Katrina, which by Sailer’s reckoning could have been used to transport up to 12,000 people per trip to higher ground in Baton Rouge, 75 miles away. Instead, Nagin dithered, and then raged. Meanwhile, the parking lots were flooded in, wasting the buses. As blogger Zach wrote, “Why did the mayor not use the buses?! This is incompetence and stupidity of the first order, period.” Think Locally, Act Federally One of the many lessons lost in this disaster is that local disaster relief is not a federal obligation; it is a state and local matter. On Fox News a few days ago, members of the “Fox All-Stars” panel noted that financially bailing out the Gulf region hit by Katrina is not a federal mandate. One panelist cited people whose homes were devastated who said proudly that they would rebuild. (Although no one said so, they were talking primarily of whites, because blacks were more likely to be clustered in cities and to proudly demand to be saved by the feds.) But the rest us would have to pay for the rebuilding! The proud locals had knowingly moved to the hurricane belt, where there is no hurricane or flood insurance, expecting the federal government to pick up the tab when the foreseeable occurred. And “conservative” George Bush will not disappoint them, because just like his socialist adversaries, he seeks to buy votes with federal taxpayer dollars wherever and whenever he can. If the feds kept out of such local disasters, and left them to the governments of New Orleans and Louisiana, respectively, New Orleans blacks would still blame the white devils for their problems, but at least those white devils wouldn’t go broke paying for them. Mayor Ray Nagin and Gov. Kathleen Blanco would be forced to do their jobs. The price of area housing and land have artificially risen over the years, due to the flood of federal dollars after previous natural disasters. Without the artificial inflation of federal dollars, prices would return to a reasonable level – not that property buyers would acknowledge the trade-off. That would ease financial pressure on future home buyers, not to mention federal taxpayers in the other 49 states. Gulf Coast whites and blacks alike will expect federal help; of that there can be no doubt. But the contrast between whites who sought to save themselves and blacks who expected to be saved; between whites who “helped each other” and blacks who tried to murder rescue workers and police officers, could not have been more stark. Expect to see hundreds of millions of dollars of federal and private aid money stolen in New Orleans, as happened with the South Asian tidal wave aid money earlier this year. Such criminality by public officials is a matter of pride in Third World jurisdictions. Expect more cases of insurance fraud in the white rural and suburban areas hit in Mississippi and Alabama, but unlike in New Orleans, private white frauds are much more likely to be prosecuted than criminal black public officials. During the 1960s, over 100 such “hurricanes” hit America’s cities, large and small. At the time, various politicians and alleged social scientists and journalists told Americans that the “hurricanes” were justifiable reactions to white “racism.” They lied. The riots were not reactions to white racism, but explosions of black racism. Blacks had just enjoyed (1940-1960) the greatest explosion of prosperity in black American history, unparalleled to this day. They had been granted, the Constitution be damned, Brown vs. Board of Education, by the Supreme Court. They had been granted the 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Act. And so how did they respond? By rioting, natch. Isn’t that how everyone celebrates improvements in their lives and historic political victories? The riots were statements of confidence, based on the victories, telling whites to get out of town. Those whites who resisted, were labeled racists, as were those whites who left. But once whites left, conditions in black-dominated cities got worse, not better. Let’s Form a Commission! In 1967, Pres. Lyndon Johnson formed an eleven-member National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders to study the race riots, which came to be known as the Kerner Commission, after its titular head, Otto Kerner. The 1968 report’s summary argued, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.”Although the positions of that summary are a part of socialist gospel in America, as Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom observed in their classic work, America in Black and White, “very little of value was accomplished by the original body. Its authors appear to have been so traumatized by the ghetto riots during the long, hot summers of 1965-1968 that they had deluded themselves into thinking that the condition of African Americans in the United States had been deteriorating rather than improving since World War II, and that this supposed deterioration was in good part due to the spatial differentiation between cities and suburbs.” Actually, the Thernstroms were too easy on the commission, which was dominated by one of the most venal, stupid, incompetent white politicians ever to ascend to the national stage in these United States, New York City Mayor John Vliet Lindsay (1921-1999). As Vincent J. Cannato chronicled in The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and His Struggle to Save New York, Lindsay took over -- really, hijacked -- the commission and manipulated it into accepting a summary written by two of his aides, Peter Goldmark and Jay Kriegel. “[The summary] spoke in loud and clear terms placing the blame squarely on white America for the recent urban riots.”John Lindsay’s qualifications to lead were that he was 6’4” tall, had matinee idol looks, seemingly limitless energy, people thought he was rich, and he oozed confidence, even if there was no basis for that confidence. Lindsay had “compassion” for New York’s blacks, which he put into practice by more than doubling the welfare rolls (from 565,000 to 1,165,000, according to historian Fred Siegel) by inviting unwed black mothers to quit their jobs and illegally go on the dole; putting black supremacist gangsters on the city payroll; ordering the police to stand down, in the face of black supremacist gangsters’ organized assaults on white teachers in the city’s schools; and treating the white working and middle classes who were paying for his experiment in social disintegration with contempt. Lindsay had hoped to use the Kerner Commission as a stepping stone to the presidency; Americans thought otherwise. And yet, America’s socialist and communist elites have uncritically cited the nonsense promoted by Lindsay’s aides tens of thousands of times since 1968. It’s easy to blame whites for black racism, when one travels in taxicabs (or chauffeured limousines) rather than public transportation, and enjoys 24-hour security in luxury buildings, thus protected from the predations of the people whom one champions. A New Reason for Hating? But some will argue that what I am saying is irrelevant. After all, the black “anger” on display in New Orleans is a response to the federal delays. Nonsense. First of all, black “anger” is a euphemism for hatred. The mainstream press has resolved never to speak of blacks as haters. And yet, is there a group in America that hates more? Who hates homosexuals more? Who is more xenophobic? More misogynistic? No, no, no and no. Instead, the media portray white, heterosexual Christians – probably the most tolerant group in the world, as haters of the above-cited groups. Secondly, the racism excuse is already in use. Third, if when 1960s blacks began throwing race riots the way whites threw block parties they were responses to “racism,” how does one rationalize the race riots after NBA championships by the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers as responses to “racism”? The “racism” line was always as phony as a three-dollar bill. Race riots are rarely a response to racism; more typically, whether in 1863 New York, 1921 Tulsa, or 1992 Los Angeles, they are expressions of racism. The fact of the matter is that an ever-growing proportion of urban blacks – females and males alike – is in a perpetual state of rage. Rage, when whites are around, and rage, when whites are absent. For forty years, urban blacks have used hatred of whites as an excuse for not leading responsible lives. Psychologically and morally speaking, I see no difference between the genocidal hatred of Arabs toward Jews, and the majority of urban American blacks toward … everyone. What we have seen in New Orleans is not merely a reaction to Katrina; it is simply a dramatic version of life in many black-dominated American cities – Detroit, Washington, DC, Baltimore, St. Louis, Gary IN, East St. Louis IL, Oakland CA, etc. And at the rate at which illegal immigrants are importing similar pathologies and lawlessness from Mexico and elsewhere, in twenty years all of America’s cities with populations of over 100,000 will be just like New Orleans. New Orleans is not an aberration; we have been seeing its like for over 40 years. Expect to see more of the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m from the New Orleans area, and your analysis of the situation is completely off base. I’ve watched WWL-TV streaming on the Internet almost non-stop since the storm hit: Ray Nagin never played the race card. It’s almost laughable that you are calling him a black racist when half of the black community in New Orleans has been upset with him for acting “white” and not paying enough attention to “black” issues. One example, when we had marches in the streets a few months ago for a single white on black murder, mayor Nagin made the comment “where are all of the marches for black on black murder?”

This man is the only on at the moment who knows what is going on in his city. He has every right to ask for and criticize the federal response because the federal government has dropped the ball, and the blood of thousands of people is on the hands of FEMA. The mayor has been doing his best to deal with the situation given the resources that he has. However, most of those resources are underwater at the moment. Police officers are literally turning in their badges and leaving the flooded city. Eighty percent of the city is underwater. I don’t think that you quite comprehend the enormity of the situation, yet you are criticizing someone for asking for help when his city is destroyed, his citizens don’t have food or water, and no one showed up in time to make a difference.

Furthermore, what more could he have possibly done to prepare the city for the storm? New Orleans has about 3 roads leading out of it, and 1.2 million people in the metro area. In the city proper, most of the people who did not evacuate did not have the means to or were too stubborn to leave. Do you really think that the police force of 1,500 people could have checked up on each of the 450,000 people in New Orleans?

What you sir just wrote is equivalent to criticizing Rudy Giuliani on September 15, 2001.

9/03/2005 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What a composition -- as in coherent, well argued, and with some conclusions I cannot argue with!

Your eloquently expressed view along with an acknowledgement of clear, unequivocal incidents of bias against the blacks is, for me, a more complete picture of the facts. (The Freudian slips of many commentators/journalists portraying blacks as 'looters' and whites as 'trying to survive' for the same actions is a case in point.)

It is your mention of evangelical Christians and orthodox Jews who are moved by compassion for others that I commend the most. I find this to be the most endearing, appealing quality of any religion which motivates its followers to makes sacrifices for others' physical, mental and spiritual well being. That a feeling of wishing well to all is engendered is wherein lies the prospect of our overcoming ill-will and misunderstanding amongst ourselves, between the various races and between various classes (rich and poor, literate and illiterate, etc).

In times of 'peace' we may have been very dismissive of sentiments to reach out to others, but to do so in times of crisis is to risk escalating it to a leviathan that grows to consume, to destroy what little we may each still hold sacred. If we have been unable to do it with other countries, let us at least do it amongst our various communities.

Even if we can expect more of the same (entrenched camps at odds with one another), do we really want to? Will you be happy the day it came to your own door, and tore down all that you cherish and live for? Or, will we do something about it, and reach out our hand of friendship?

9/03/2005 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2000 census gives the median household income in New Orleans as $27,133, with some 107,398 citizens under 15 and 56,653 over 65 years old .
Given the above, it should be clear the fantastic result of the warning to evacuate New Orleans is that so many people were able to do so.

I agree one obvious failure of the city and state officials was to not make free mass transportation available, but even if it had been, I don't believe many more people could/would have evacuated.

Imagine yourself, Nick, told to leave your familiar turf and take your family "somewhere else". But first, cut up your credit cards, give away your vehicle(s), and burn any cash you have except for maybe $100.00

Get your numbers right, secular humanism may not encourage compassion, but neither does it promote untruth, anger, or racism.

9/03/2005 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being able-bodied is not all that is necessary to comply with the evacuation orders. One also needed to have transportation and a place to go. Perhaps many people without a place to go but having transportation would have taken their chances evacuating into the unknown had they known that the shelter and rescue circumstances would be as horrendous as they turned out to be. I really don't think nearly enough was done to help people get out in advance of the storm and sure as hell not enough was done of pre-positioning and staging for a competent rescue effort.

9/03/2005 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lea I agree with what has been said a majority of the blacks in the south are like that they believe that everyone owes them the war ended a long time ago it is time to move on this is a time that we need to pull together a help each other my spouse called his national guard unit to volunteer to go and help and frankly i am scared that he is going now because of the stupidity that is going on there shooting at rescue teams this is not a racial thing it is an american thing and the african AMERICANS need to stop trying to make it that way we are one as a nation leave the past in the past

9/03/2005 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your commentary. Like one of your hero's said people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

See ya at the next Klan meeting!

9/04/2005 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just 4 comments- One, it's obvious you have never been flat broke with children to take care of. Most of the "able bodied" people you speak of are just that. Two, masses of once able bodied people ended up dying during the depression, and those people were not suffering the after effects of a natural disaster. Why you are even making that comparison is beyond me. Third, the mayors and people of Miss and Ala are experiencing the same feelings of Mr. Nagin. They ALL need help, nationality is absolutely irrelevant. Local governments have been rendered useless, otherwise they WOULD be doing more to save their people.
Fourth, the author of this blog has a horrible outlook on this situation and I'm glad that people sharing his views are the minority and not the majority. And I'm sure the reporters do not appreciate you purposely misusing their quotes!

9/04/2005 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I’m from the New Orleans area, and your analysis of the situation is completely off base. I’ve watched WWL-TV streaming on the Internet almost non-stop since the storm hit: Ray Nagin never played the race card. It’s almost laughable that you are calling him a black racist when half of the black community in New Orleans has been upset with him for acting “white” and not paying enough attention to “black” issues. One example, when we had marches in the streets a few months ago for a single white on black murder, mayor Nagin made the comment “where are all of the marches for black on black murder?”

[The fact that a black man can be accused of "acting white" is irrelevant to whether he can be guilty of racism. When David Dinkins was mayor of New York, black supremacists C. Vernon Mason accused him or "wearing too many yarmulkes." And yet, Dinkins was a racist. He ordered the police to stand down in th3e face of racial attacks on whites and Asians.]

This man is the only on at the moment who knows what is going on in his city. He has every right to ask for and criticize the federal response because the federal government has dropped the ball, and the blood of thousands of people is on the hands of FEMA. The mayor has been doing his best to deal with the situation given the resources that he has. However, most of those resources are underwater at the moment. Police officers are literally turning in their badges and leaving the flooded city. Eighty percent of the city is underwater. I don’t think that you quite comprehend the enormity of the situation, yet you are criticizing someone for asking for help when his city is destroyed, his citizens don’t have food or water, and no one showed up in time to make a difference.

[Nonsense; the mayor droppeed the ball, not FEMA. The Mayor had resources. If they are now under water, that is because he dithered when they were available. To expect the feds to do better, given how many days it takes to airlift help, than the local authorities is moronic.]

Furthermore, what more could he have possibly done to prepare the city for the storm? New Orleans has about 3 roads leading out of it, and 1.2 million people in the metro area. In the city proper, most of the people who did not evacuate did not have the means to or were too stubborn to leave. Do you really think that the police force of 1,500 people could have checked up on each of the 450,000 people in New Orleans?

[Hit the link to the picture of all thosde hundreds of buses Mayor Nagin could have used, but didn't.]

What you sir just wrote is equivalent to criticizing Rudy Giuliani on September 15, 2001.

[Rudy Giuliani grapped the bull by its horns; Ray Nagin let the bull grab him and throw him. Where is the equivalence?

What is it with you geniuses, that you all post anonymously? I guess if I were as dim as you, I would be ashamed to use my name, too.]

9/04/2005 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote from a famous NO resident:

Stupid is as stupid does.

Forest Gump

9/06/2005 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the same person that you responded to before. I'm going to post Anonymously because I don't really want to register for anything. If it matters to you, my name is Brad Robertson, and I'm a proud Republican resident of Jefferson Parish in Bob Livingston’s old district.

[The fact that a black man can be accused of "acting white" is irrelevant to whether he can be guilty of racism. When David Dinkins was mayor of New York, black supremacists C. Vernon Mason accused him or "wearing too many yarmulkes." And yet, Dinkins was a racist. He ordered the police to stand down in th3e face of racial attacks on whites and Asians.]

So you mean to tell me that you have an intimate knowledge of New Orleans politics enough to be able to make this claim? Do you realize that this same mayor endorsed Bobby Jindal for Governor, and donated money to the Bush campaign fund? It's obvious to me that you called him a black racist without even looking at his background.

[Nonsense; the mayor droppeed the ball, not FEMA. The Mayor had resources. If they are now under water, that is because he dithered when they were available. To expect the feds to do better, given how many days it takes to airlift help, than the local authorities is moronic.]

[Hit the link to the picture of all thosde hundreds of buses Mayor Nagin could have used, but didn't.]

Ok, let me explain a few things for you about New Orleans since you are obviously not from the city.

New Orleans has a metro area population of around 1.2 million people. All of them have to leave in 36 hours through about 4 roads.

The city of New Orleans itself has around 450,000 people in it. It is estimated that around 150,000 people cannot or will not evacuate when a mandatory evacuation is called. The city has around 1,500 police officers, and very few buildings that can withstand a category 5 storm.

Now, you mentioned those busses. Assuming that there are 500 busses ready to be used to get people out on Saturday, you can get about 20,000 people out if each bus can carry 40 people. Guess what, you have another 130,000 people in the city. Also, what are you going to do with those 20,000 people in busses? Drop them off in Baton Rouge and tell them to have a nice vacation with no food, water, or shelter?

Furthermore, you can't use those busses to go back into New Orleans to get more people out because of the contraflow system. All roads go out of New Orleans so that more people can get out.

In case you didn't follow the news, the New Orleans disaster plan was pretty good.

Step 1: Issue an evacuation
Step 2: Get people who can't evacuate into the Superdome. The local authorities made it crystal clear that the Superdome was a shelter of last resort and no food or water would be provided.
Step 3: When the storm is over, the Feds will have to come in with help because the entire city will be flooded.

As for your airlift comment, a state of Emergency was declared on Saturday—the storm struck Monday. The national weather service put out bulletins broadcasting that the levees would be topped.

While Monday morning quarterbacking is fun and all, what exactly did you expect the Mayor to do?

Also, is Aaron Broussard a racist because he called for the Federal government to come help the mostly white parish of Jefferson?

It's fun and all to try to blame the authorities that at the moment have no mouthpiece to talk out of because they are too busy doing important things like saving lives.

9/06/2005 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to hear the liberal apologetics for the incompetence, stupidity, and criminality of blacks and liberals. What complete idiots the lot of them are.

9/09/2005 07:52:00 AM  

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