Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Color of Crime

By Nicholas Stix Imagine if one demographic group in America were 33 times more prone to commit crimes than another group. How would you feel about the relatively crime-prone group? The relatively crime-free group? Wouldn’t you want to know about such differences? But we don’t have to imagine anything. The above contrast was not a hypothetical case, but rather the statistical relationship of black to Asian crime in America, as detailed in the ground-breaking new report, The Color of Crime, released by the New Century Foundation, the organization that sponsors American Renaissance magazine. * “… between 2001 and 2003, blacks were 39 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than the reverse, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.” * Between 2001 and 2003, blacks committed, on average, 15,400 black-on-white rapes per year, while whites averaged only 900 white-on-black rapes per year. * “Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.” But there are five-and-one-half as many whites as blacks. If anything, the numbers should be reversed. After all, as leftists always tell us, all groups are supposed to be equally represented in all categories, for good or ill. (Well, not really. Leftists never call on the NBA and NFL to institute racial parity for white players.) * Nationally, youth gangs are 90 percent non-white. “Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.” * The only crime category in which Asians are more heavily represented than whites is illegal gambling. * “Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.” But how can that be, when for years commentators of all political persuasions have insisted that the majority of the victims of black crime were themselves black? But it has been true for some time, because blacks increasingly target whites based on the color of the latter’s skin. The commentators have been guilty variously of lying and laziness. * Far from being guilty of “racially profiling” innocent blacks, police have been exercising racial bias on behalf of blacks, arresting fewer blacks than their proportion of criminals: “… blacks who committed crimes that were reported to the police were 26 percent less likely to be arrested than people of other races who committed the same crimes.” * “… police are determined to arrest non-black rather than black criminals.” (I have seen this practice in operation on the streets and subways of New York.) * “[Blacks] are eight times more likely than people of other races to rob someone, for example, and 5.5 times more likely to steal a car.” Well, as everyone knows, innocent blacks get rounded up by the police all the time, so we can safely ignore such statistics. After all, isn’t that what the NAACP, Village Voice, New York Times, and countless black “activists” and prominent academics have been saying for years? After all, although the folks insisting on racial profiling have no facts to back up their claims, they enjoy political prestige and moral authority. The Color of Crime, meanwhile, is based merely on lowly facts. As we shall see, prominent people are already saying that we should ignore The Color of Crime, because it wasn’t produced by the right sort of people. (And of course, “the right sort of people” doesn’t tell the truth about race and crime.) * Charges of racial profiling, which maintain that police target innocent black motorists for traffic stops notwithstanding, a 2002 study by Maryland’s Public Service Research Institute found that police were stopping too few black speeders (23%), compared to their proportion of actual speeders (25%). In fact, “blacks were twice as likely to speed as whites” in general, and there was an even higher frequency of black speeders in the 90-mph and higher range. * “… the only evidence for police bias is disproportionate arrest rates for those groups police critics say are the targets of bias. High black arrest rates appear to reflect high crime rates, not police misconduct.” * Blacks not only commit violent crimes at far higher rates than non-blacks, but their crimes are more violent than those of whites. Blacks are three times as likely as non-blacks to commit assault with guns, and twice as likely as non-blacks to commit assault with knives. * Blacks not only commit violent crimes at far higher rates than whites, but blacks commit “white collar” offenses -- fraud, bribery, racketeering and embezzlement, respectively -- at two to five times the white rate. * The single greatest indicator of an area’s crime rate is not poverty or education, but race and ethnicity. Even when one controls for income and education, the black crime rate is much higher than the white rate. Things are actually much worse than the above notes suggest. As The Color of Crime notes, the feds inflate white crime statistics by counting Hispanic offenders as white; at the same time, “Hispanics are a [hate crime] victim category but not a perpetrator category. If someone attacks a Mexican for racial reasons, he becomes a Hispanic victim of a hate crime. However, if the same Mexican commits a hate crime against a black, he is classified as a ‘white’ perpetrator. Even more absurdly, if a Mexican commits a hate crime against a white, both victim and perpetrator are reported as white.” Thus, the number of white perpetrators is bloated, while the number of white victims is constricted by the federal double-standard. But things are even worse than the study shows. It fails to note, with black-on-white male prison rape an institutionalized sport among black inmates, that hundreds of thousands of white men have thus been victimized but never counted by the government. Meanwhile, white-on-black male prison rape is virtually non-existent. Some of the study’s many sources were the FBI’s uniform crime reports (UCRs); the feds’ National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS), in which 149,000 people across the country, in statistical proportion to all demographic groups, were called; the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS); Supplemental Homicide Reports (SHRs); State Court Processing Statistics (SCPS); National Youth Gang Survey; Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP); and National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP). The succinct report slays dragons in the course of mere footnotes, such as its nailing of tenured California State University criminology professor Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld, who in her book Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls and Controversies, the reality of interracial violence be damned, depicted whites only as perpetrators, and not as the victims of hate crimes. The Color of Crime – not to be confused with a 1998 piece of propaganda of the same name by tenured University of Maryland professor of criminology, Katheryn K. Russell -- is the most scientifically rigorous research on crime and race available. It’s the state of the art. The mainstream media will surely be anxious to publicize and discuss The Color of Crime. After all, hasn’t the public been inundated since the late 1990s (and ultimately, since the 1960s) with dubious charges of racism (“racial profiling”) against law enforcement and the justice system? And don’t the MSM always tell us that they will report on anything newsworthy? After all, the New York Times claims to be “the newspaper of record.” In a future column, we shall see just how the MSM has responded to The Color of Crime. In any event, the report gave in precise numbers what any sentient being over the age of twenty and living in the United States has long known. A 75-year-old Irish neighbor of mine is a retired nurse who was run out of a once-lovely Brooklyn neighborhood forty years ago by “integration” (read: brazen black crime in broad daylight). During a friendly conversation during a quiet morning on our peaceful street last spring she said, “The problem is … you know what the problem is.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very courageous Mr. Stix. But be warned, Sacred Cows do not die quietly; they moan, they wail and make noises that sound like "rrraaaacissst." So plug your ears and keep fighting the good fight.

10/05/2005 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Stix,
Thanks for going out on a limb.
The Polititcal Correctness groups can't wait, for only one can imagine their response.
Maybe your next column, The Color of Political Correctness??

10/05/2005 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racist White Devil!!!
Stop giving false numbers to people to make your evil race seem better than blacks. You are just mad because blacks are stronger and more deadly than you weaker race. Every one know blacks were the first people on earth from the center of civilization, Africa. Whites are just a weaher of spring that has lost many of the great physical strengths that blacks still obtain such as . resistance to the sun jumping ability and over all strength.

10/10/2005 12:53:00 PM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

"Johannes said...

"Good post, but the color of political correctness is easy and easily, insidiously semitic."

Well, then that makes me politically correct, because I am definitely a Jew. But then, how can my post be any good?

10/11/2005 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
"Racist White Devil!!!
"Stop giving false numbers to people to make your evil race seem better than blacks. You are just mad because blacks are stronger and more deadly than you weaker race. Every one know blacks were the first people on earth from the center of civilization, Africa. Whites are just a weaher of spring that has lost many of the great physical strengths that blacks still obtain such as . resistance to the sun jumping ability and over all strength.

"12:53 PM"

You know damned well that the numbers are true; that's why you're angry about me providing them. Why is it that racist, subhuman scum like yourself always screams "liar" when a white man tells the truth? And you have the nerve to call people "devils"? Oh, but I just remembered: You don't have any nerve, bitch. That's why you didn't sign your name.

(For my sane readers, "Judgment Day" is code for the great black massacre.) As for Judgment Day, who's going to kill me, you? I don't think so.

10/11/2005 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime identifies a person's inability to succeed or cope in society. They take and don't ask.

Crime-rate figures may indicate common factors. I suggest skin colour is a misleading tool as it hides the more accurate figures of ethnicity, cultural-background, and social-environment rather than a general sterotype for racial propensity to crime. This is what I would rather see here. A more educated approach.

A Black Man does not exist any more than a White Man exist. The French will behave differently to an Australia as a Zimbabwian to a Nigerian.

The imaginations of skin tone are therefore for the timid.

Yet for years now Americans have built up an image of racial groups based on the hue of their skin -that people go to government for hand-outs or these mythological groups!

If a child is going to be born to us already knowing they'll live a life of crime then a sane society will legalise abortions.

Of course there are no genetic criminals, but there are genetic temperments.

When you look at the host cultures from which disparate peoples spawned, they have well developed rituals and Offices that keep people in check, learned over the centuries. Some very tough laws indeed.

Alas, American Free Society may be too much too soon for many as it was when in the UK they had the Industrial Revolution and people flocked to the cities to find new ways to be unhappy.

First generation immigrants have always been on the whole civil and self policing because they carried a culture with them. The second generation did not believe or want to take on their parent's values as they half-saw the values expressed by their indiginous peers. They want everything but have not learned the trick and subtlties of dancing to a lighter cultural rhythmn, especially when a cruder culture is expressed at home. They were and still are the bane of society through excess and learn the hard way.

The negativity produced through failure and rejection creates a schizm and an angry sub-culture with inverted elitism which others can exploit to their advantage. (NIKE - No Intelligence Knowledge or Experience).

The way we think does have something to do with our physical breeding, our temperment. You can breed a more subservient or aggressive person. Just as communists killed their intelligensa and left a more complient gene-pool; the ability for self control, and the degree of consciousness they can achieve is determined. You just know it when a 'bad' family moves in next door. This is called culture.

Our 'White America' was formed by enlightened people from an out-lawish nation with the indigenous Indians decimated, and they left a legacy for all peoples to aspire to greater things. The American Dream.

People can make this dream harder for their dreams might just be to sit on a bigger pile of dung than anybody else. Even their religions twist what was meant by good men.

I will suggest therefore that poor breeding and education maketh the man, that one-person-one-vote will not lift that person up because what they need a benign autocracy and what we get are benign dictators who pander to each group and will not make a better inclusive society.

10/12/2005 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over and over you hear again discounting race because race is only about skin color. This is clearly not true although that is one of the factors. Obviously there are racial differences among the White race that are biological. To ignore genetics you might as well put yourself in the stone age and delude yourself that we all came from Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago. I hear many objections like culture immigration and wealth. These are all factors in crime and cultures and such but these are all accounted for when doing many studies for race, crime, iq and genetics. They know people will have these objections and yet people never stop raising the same objections based on a faith that we are all inherently equal or just about equal and anything that shows a derivation thereof is coincidental or based on racist studies or racist people in society.

10/21/2005 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The most recent ancestor of all males living today was a man who lived in Africa around 59,000 years ago, according to an international team of researchers."

So through about 4,000 generations we have ended up with the present wide-variety of Adams walking about thinking they are something very different when they are not.

What does make them slightly different, no more than a distant relative, is genetics. This affects intellect, temperment, and the way people form societies.

It is only in say the last 200 years, 6 generations, that these disparate Adams have been thrown back together again. And if they hadn't met up, continuing a hundred thousand years to mate in isolation, they would have evolved into different species.

But already people complain about 'racial' differences (though we used to complain about a person just because they came from a different part of town) and if we are going to trancend these instincts of zenophobia, we are going to have to learn to become conscious of our own short-comings before we condemn what people cannot help about themselves.

10/21/2005 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A minority observer

I think the data pretty safe that represents the percentages of crimes committed by Blacks. Over the years, from observation to newspaper to various crimes in the community. The most violent, brutal, and unhumanilty crimes are committed by African-Americans. This group is violentist group. Something to do with genetic that they are hypo in physical and majority of the crimes are physical and mental aggression. We don't need these people in America.

10/30/2005 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After years of observation of the sheer hideousness of black crime and of the "Animal American" race generally, I have reached the conclusion that barring the repatriation of these beasts to Africa, the only possible solution is to BRING BACK LYNCHING! It seems that this is the only language that these subhumans understand; the ONLY way to limit if not entirely eliminate their attacks on civilized humans (I certainly do NOT object when they attack and hopefully kill each other in acts of "ape-on-ape violence"). Of course, this still leaves the problems of welfare subsidies, public housing and the myraid other ways in which the rest of us endlessly subsidize their truly bottomless pit of utterly hideous social pathologies and subhuman moral degeneracy.

11/02/2005 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If it wer'nt for whites, Africa would still be TOTALLY undeveloped open grassland.
The life expectancy would still be less than 35 years.
Inter-tribal warfare would be the order of the day.

SO... the only lies about Black Africans is that "they are intelligent, loving people, with a wealth of scientific and cultural achievement".

No wonder black against white crime is so high... it's due to pure jealousy.

And, I know the truth, since I live in Africa.

9/12/2006 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, that reminds me of a time a friend and I joked about how every terrorist in the movies is a russian or from some eastern blok country. Not like real life when 98% of terrorism is commited by a middle eastern male. Barring timothy McVay, just about every other attack on US property has been by some sort of middle eastern group. Oh yeah, watch "16 Blocks". The innocent black guy is the one being chased by a bunch of white guys, police officers even. Yeah that is a realistic portrayal of modern criminal action.

9/14/2006 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A well writen piece.
This of course only deals with USA race and not race in general. Perhaps a followup piece on other multiethnic societies would be called for. Or perhaps look at African immigrants vs. former slaves.
We have the unfortunate situation of the majority comming here as slaves.
I wonder what can solve the problem?

9/17/2006 08:14:00 AM  
Blogger Mikael said...

Thanks for spreading the truth! Keep going, brethren! To the anonymous black idiot; It's interesting that you he first calls Nicholas a liar, and then says White's are scared because blacks are deadly. The boon just proved the point of the "Color Of Crime" with his own words.

11/02/2006 05:17:00 PM  
Blogger Mikael said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11/02/2006 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




12/18/2006 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With stastic and problems going around in this world why do we still judge who does it and why they do it. The last time I check we are equal because our blood is red so why judge and have the serio type.

1/12/2007 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i laugh at you all a bunch of educated racists of course black n hispanic crime rates woudl b higher whites make it harder 4 us 2 get jobs n money i fu have no wyas of making money or geting a job... well ur gonna steal n its easier 2 do n groups... gangs.... n killing is necessary when ur life is being threatend by another group kinda liek wars between countries but on a smaller scale.. lol im 14 n im a black man u dont understand bcuz u dont go threw teh struggle u hungry u gotta eat idk about u but id raher steal than die bcuz another races opresses me

8/01/2007 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(For my sane readers, "Judgment Day" is code for the great black massacre.) As for Judgment Day, who's going to kill me, you? I don't think so.

I am an undergraduate student at Carnegie Mellon University. For one of my classes (Interpretation and Argument) I was told to find a piece and argue against it. Quite fortunately, I came upon your piece. The Color of Crime is now the laughingstock of the educated community here at Carnegie Mellon. The piece was extremely laced with academic fallacies. The hasty generalizations made in this piece were very obvious, and were quickly made noticeable to all by me. To defend an attack that has not been delivered is foolish. What are you protecting yourself from? Judgment...
It is hard to protect yourself from the racist image if you are delivering comments such as the one above. I am researching you, and if you would like to read my paper I will be happy to post it. The veil has been uncovered, and we have been able to see. Sir, you are a racist, and I am no cow.
I am an 18 year old, first year student, at a prestigious university. I am an African American, and I won't kill you. I will not make judgment. If you are as smart as you think, delete this comment. Perhaps, this comment will shed some light on your followers.

9/19/2007 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicholas Stix said...
"Anonymous said...
"Racist White Devil!!!
"Stop giving false numbers to people to make your evil race seem better than blacks. You are just mad because blacks are stronger and more deadly than you weaker race. Every one know blacks were the first people on earth from the center of civilization, Africa. Whites are just a weaher of spring that has lost many of the great physical strengths that blacks still obtain such as . resistance to the sun jumping ability and over all strength.

"12:53 PM"

You know damned well that the numbers are true; that's why you're angry about me providing them. Why is it that racist, subhuman scum like yourself always screams "liar" when a white man tells the truth? And you have the nerve to call people "devils"? Oh, but I just remembered: You don't have any nerve, bitch. That's why you didn't sign your name.

(For my sane readers, "Judgment Day" is code for the great black massacre.) As for Judgment Day, who's going to kill me, you? I don't think so.

Mr. Stix, Bravo Sir! It is unfortunate that even armed with realistic statistics, It will never be accepted as the truth by the majority. The world, let alone America, will never be the great place it can be with blacks and the like still inhabiting it. I hope that before it's too late, Whites will open their eyes and eliminate this cancer we call African-Americans.

Outside of sports, which was white and succeeded before, the blacks serve no purpose to the human race other than spreading disease and populating like an out of control virus. I live in Center City Philadelphia, and I see this disgrace of what is considered to be a race of humans, the black race. Anybody who lives in a major city, or area with any black population, would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to recognize that the problem is not the police force, or lack there of, or stricter laws, but the black race of people itself.

50+ years of integration, education, free housing, and welfare, and a 40 year old black person talks like a 15 year old black kid who just came in off the cotton field. There is no progression here and never will be. For all of you blind morons out there who say, "well what about the one black who goes to college or does something with their life?". For every one black person who does that, there are 100,000 waiting in the wings to rob, murder, rape, and essentially be nothing but worthless.

Lastly, for the black iddiot who said, "we are jealous because we are the weaker race." Think about it stupid. We brought you over here after your own tribal leaders sold you to us, and gave you what you have. Weaker Race? If only you were all back in Africa, we could drop the bomb on you and eliminate the biggest waste of resources ever to hit mother earth. You would all still be dodging lions and spearing down your neighbors. Doesn't do you any good to be so called stronger when the furthest you've gotten since you say, "blacks are the center of creation", is nothing more than lion skin underwear and sticks with pointy tips.

As my Grandfather used to say, you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the monkey.


10/05/2007 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Stix, Bravo Sir! It is unfortunate that even armed with realistic statistics, It will never be accepted as the truth by the majority. The world, let alone America, will never be the great place it can be with blacks and the like still inhabiting it. I hope that before it's too late, Whites will open their eyes and eliminate this cancer we call African-Americans.

Outside of sports, which was white and succeeded before, the blacks serve no purpose to the human race other than spreading disease and populating like an out of control virus. I live in Center City Philadelphia, and I see this disgrace of what is considered to be a race of humans, the black race. Anybody who lives in a major city, or area with any black population, would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to recognize that the problem is not the police force, or lack there of, or stricter laws, but the black race of people itself.

50+ years of integration, education, free housing, and welfare, and a 40 year old black person talks like a 15 year old black kid who just came in off the cotton field. There is no progression here and never will be. For all of you blind morons out there who say, "well what about the one black who goes to college or does something with their life?". For every one black person who does that, there are 100,000 waiting in the wings to rob, murder, rape, and essentially be nothing but worthless.

Lastly, for the black iddiot who said, "we are jealous because we are the weaker race." Think about it stupid. We brought you over here after your own tribal leaders sold you to us, and we gave you what you have today. Weaker Race? If only you were all back in Africa, we could drop the bomb on you and eliminate the biggest waste of resources ever to hit mother earth. You would all still be dodging lions and spearing down your neighbors. Doesn't do you any good to be so called stronger when the furthest you've gotten since you say, "blacks are the center of creation", is nothing more than lion skin underwear and sticks with pointy tips.

As my Grandfather used to say, you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the monkey.


10/05/2007 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Defeat the communist enemy!

10/16/2007 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate cime toward minority women in florida gets ignored by the local police.

As a registered nurse for 20 years none of the local hospitals in my area would hire me because I refused to and continue to refuse to have sexual relationship with. Leonardo lado. He has been calling prospective employers with lies making it impossible for me and my children to find work in Naples Florida. After moving to New York I was able to find work immediately
The local collier county police dept continue to protect this sexual predator.
All anyone has to do is look into his back ground to find he's a women abuser, chronic liar, sexual predator and stalker. However the letters M.D behind his name serve as a shield for this psychopathic behavior.

Never dated this man, never socialized with this man, nothing was done to seduce this man.
This man became obsess with destroying my family.

When I went to work at the willoughs of Naples as a registered nurse.....I was escaping the stress of critical care nursing ...I had no idea I would end up sexually assaulted and stalked.... for approximately four months ( LEONARD LADO) a psychiatrist on staff whispered inappropriate sexual word in my ears .. Constantly went out of his way to touch and feel where ever he could ...I was constantly invited to his office...all of this was reported to the administrators ...however nothing was done.
This mad man showered at my house requesting “an all night ".which I ignored ...he went on talking about his multiple failed marriages and bad relationships ..After about 1hr of listening to his problems.... he left. Soon after I started receiving explicit sexual phone calls ...i.e. "My penis is bigger than the average you know" “I might no look like it but am a black man would you like to see" .....In one phone call I was offered $2,000 per month for sex in return ....the phone calls kept coming ....request for phone sex was a frequent. I have changed my phone number 4-5times a year since 2002 my initial contact with this sex predator ...I even changed job several time and asked him to stop calling , but the calls came more frequent both in Spanish and self and my children were constantly followed ...and harassed by him or his friends ...
The local police (Tim Smith) said he would have to physically harm me or my family before they could do anything. The EEOC (Latoya Allen) was useless Incompetent and the waste of my time and intelligence.
He told the medical boards that I was upset the relationship ended . WE NEVER DATED.
nothing was do to provoke the mad mans behavior. I always dressed appropriately at work and everywhere else. America is full of hate toward black. This is my personal experience!

I was able to find work immediately in NY. With out this man following me and lying to prospective employers.


I never knew a human being could be a stalking savage animal seeking blood of innocent people that have absolutely no relationship with him or his mental diseases. My children don't know him I only worked with this beast of a human. Did not find him attractive, interesting or dateable. I am more than sure he is a criminal capable of murder and it's frightening and unbelievable to know this man is allowed to practice medicine and treat patients.


11/14/2007 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People need to read this page first to understand just how badly the Colour of Crime distorted and played with statistics... but given the caliber of discussion here, I can't really expect any folks to read anything that doesn't confirm with their already hatred-filled worldview.

11/29/2007 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendrick said...

Crime identifies a person's inability to succeed or cope in society. They take and don't ask.

Crime-rate figures may indicate common factors. I suggest skin colour is a misleading tool as it hides the more accurate figures of ethnicity, cultural-background, and social-environment rather than a general sterotype for racial propensity to crime. This is what I would rather see here. A more educated approach.

If you read the actual article it mentions that blacks and whits of similar education and economic conditions commit crimes at far different rates.

12/02/2007 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how blacks love to say: "were faster, stronger, have bigger dicks" but cry "all men are equal" when empirical data shows they arent as smart as whites. and i love how blacks say "white people are evil, conniving, and all implicity racist" but when a white publishes a study on actual crime statistics they say "we have to move past racism in the world". its just leftist hypocrisy.

12/02/2007 08:59:00 PM  
Blogger spackle said...

I know this is a dead thread but had to chime in. If whites are so feckless and weak how did we:

A. Manage to enslave blacks by the thousands without a fight?
B. Murder millions of people in the 20th century in two world wars? I wont even get started on Stalin.

What blacks seem to forget is that we are a very patient people. But backed up into a corner? God help you. Brains will always kill more then muscle.

7/05/2008 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stix, makes a very dumb argument. It is like saying that in the history of Western civilization because Whites are evil because they have been the cause of every major world war, they invented the bomb, Nazi politics, Communism, Fascism, the Great Depression, the sub-prime loan, Watergate, the Reign of Terror, the 100 years war, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Black Death, napalm, land mines, and so on.

7/20/2008 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your very brave to speak the truth. keep it up and ignore the word "racist" because the truth is blind.

7/23/2008 03:57:00 PM  
Blogger kang said...

carnigie mellon freshman... I highly doubt what you say, even though you got into school through affirmative action, it doesn't mean you're intelligent. facts are facts, how can you debate it? Many other publications back up this data. The Bell Curve, The wealth of Nations. People's everyday reality also back this up. Riding on the train in NYC, I see gangs of black youth cursing and being generally disrespectful and disruptive and violent, every day. I've never seen a gang of hissidic jewish kids or Asian kids do anything but study together. Sorry you were born black but telling lies only makes you feel good, it doesn't change facts.

8/14/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a Justice Department report from February 2001, police are more than TWICE as likely 2 search vehicles driven by blacks after pulling them over, even though whites, when searched, are more than TWICE as likely to be in possession of illegal items, such as narcotics.

In New York State, according 2 one recent study, if blacks arrested were treated the same as whites:

* Same crimes

* Same priors

* Same jurisdictions

One-Third of all blacks in the state sent to jail or prison annually would have been spared such a sentence. This amounts to nearly 4500 blacks sent to jail or prison each year in New York who would not have been incarcerated had they merely been white.

In Pennsylvania its worse b/c even when prior records and severity of a given crime are the same, white male offenders between the ages of 18-29 are THIRTY EIGHT PERCENT less likely to be imprisoned than similar black males.

Not only are blacks more likely 2 be arrested and imprisoned than their crime rates would justify, but whites are much less likely 2 wind up in prison despite their share of serious crime. More than half of all violent crimes are committed by non-Hispanic whites, but only a quarter of today's prison population is white, according to the Justice Department. Blacks, on the other hand, commit a little more than one-fourth of all violent crime (according to victim recollections), but comprise nearly half the jail and prison population.

But hey ... why should some of u insecure losers allow a little thing like facts compiled by a little known entity like THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT affect your thinking?

1/09/2009 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many facts are racist but they're still facts. We need to stop covering up the truth about race and crime. Thanks for setting the record straight.

1/13/2009 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pretty sad to see you people go back and forth like this over whose race is more "humane and civilized" than the other. Any person who thinks they are better than anyone or "has factual data" to support that should be taken into consideration. I dont think that any one group is any better than anyone based on anything.

Did anyone think to even ask where the source of these "facts" came from and who they came from? Any why is this study mainly focused on blacks and whites when the U.S. is far from only being inhabited by blacks and whites.

To me this data seems false and skewed. Maybe it would have triggered more belief in the minds of the readers if it was not presented so poorly and infused with the infantile personal beliefs of whoever wrote this crap. Even if it is true, it honestly just sounds like another white guy calling rascism.

These "Subhumans", blacks if you will, have been called and considered "subhuman" long before any of these issues ever rose to existence. If I am correct based on the history we have been taught today, I must ask Is there a missing section where Africans willingly came over hunting down Whites in America and enslaving them? Because if there is, maybe we all missed it. If you want to call Africans barbaric and less than human then fine, but do so with the acknowledgement that maybe it was a learned type of behavior. Perhaps from angry lynch mobs? But what do I know? Im just dumb nigger...right?

3/01/2009 05:46:00 PM  

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