Saturday, December 17, 2005

Illegal Alien Pair Terrorize Midwest

by Nicholas Stix Have you seen Jorge Ibarra, 34, and Rosa Ramirez, 41? If so, do not call the Illinois State Police or even the federal Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the aforementioned agencies will refuse to enforce the law. And don't contact the pro-illegal immigrant mainstream media. Rather, contact Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Jim Oberweis, so he can catch them in the act, whatever the act may be. When Ike was president, it wouldn't much have mattered what the act was, since he understood that whatever an illegal immigrant did on American soil was, by definition, illegal. Today, as long as illegal immigrants don't kill anybody, the authorities generally refuse to arrest and deport them. And so, Dave Gorak, the executive director of the LaValle, WI-based Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration, reports in VDARE that Ibarra and Ramirez have been running around Illinois, talking workers at cleaning companies whose owners refuse to hire illegals, into secretly hiring them, and then fraudulently suing the owners, claiming the owners abused and cheated them. Thus did Ibarra and Ramirez, as Gorak reports, illegally work for Patmar Janitorial Services, a subcontractor who cleaned Oberweis Dairy Ice Cream Stores. One night in May, the owner of Patmar was driving by one of Oberweis' stores, and noticed a couple of workers whom he did not recognize, cleaning up. He fired them on the spot, then fired the worker who had secretly hired them, Eduardo Martinez. When Oberweis found out about the incident six months later, he dumped the subcontractor. It is not presently clear whether Martinez was in on the scam. If Gorak is correct, then Ibarra and Ramirez are not just illegal immigrants and the perpetrators of a nuisance suit, but guilty of criminal conspiracy to defraud and of tampering with an election, both felonies, since they are seeking with their fraud to cost Oberweis his chance to become governor. (They pulled the stunt because Oberweis was on the record as supporting the enforcement of our immigration laws.) Ibarra and Ramirez are aided and abetted by one Joshua Hoyt, the pro-illegal immigrant/anti-American head of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) and the Chicago Workers' Collaborative (CWC). Far from helping immigrants, Hoyt/ICIRR's fraud probably cost some immigrants at Patmar their jobs when the company lost the Oberweis contract, and had less work to spread around. (But those would have been legal immigrants, who don't matter to Hoyt/ICIRR.) Ibarra, Ramirez, and Hoyt/ICIRR were also assisted by the Chicago Workers' Coalition, another pro-illegal group, which as the blog Freedom Folks reports, just happened by a suburban Oberweis store in the wee hours with a videocam, to film the 'exploited immigrant workers' hard at work. Finally, as Dave Gorak reports, Ibarra, Ramirez, and Hoyt were helped by Chicago Tribune editorial page editor, Bruce Dold, who posted an editorial ridiculing Oberweis, rather than the perpetrators. Come to think of it, if you see Hoyt engaging in any behavior of questionable legality (like, say, breathing), you should also contact the Oberweis for Illinois campaign. Ibarra and Ramirez may yet live to regret messing with Jim Oberweis. Dairyman Oberweis has a sense of humor, as evinced by his campaign slogan, "got guv?" (Got it -- "Got milk?") But don't try and make a fool out of him. In his statement on the affair, he says,
I will continue to seek the facts as they relate to Ms. Ramirez and Mr. Ibarra.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ibarra and Ramirez now found themselves dogged by videocams and investigators, as the hunters become the hunted.


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