Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Israel's Sharon Finished as PM, Gravely Ill

By Nicholas Stix Israeli Prime Mininster Ariel Sharon yesterday suffered a massive stroke and a cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding inside or on the brain). He will no longer be able to function as prime minister, and even if the 77-year-old survives, according to one health professional familiar with such conditions, he may not even be able to speak or otherwise enjoy major brain functions. Deputy prime minister Ehud Ohlmert has been named acting prime minister. Sharon's condition adds uncertainty to Israeli politics’ extent chaos. In November, Sharon had announced that he was leaving the Likud Party, formed his own party, "Kadima," with many of his old Likud loyalists, and called for elections on March 28. Now, the new elections are off, and Kadima is dead in the sand. And the Sharon Era, which began with the retired general's landslide election victory over Labor Prime Minister Ehud Barak on February 6, 2001, is over. Like many early Israeli leaders, Sharon got his start fighting the British, before there was an Israel, let alone an Israeli Defense Force. Unlike all other early Israeli leaders, who were Ashkenazi Jews (from Europe outside of Spain and Portugal, from where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled all Jews in 1492), Sharon alone was born in what would become Israel. In battles beginning with the British and through four wars fighting against attempts by Israel’s Arab neighbors to destroy her, Sharon, who rose to the rank of general, earned a reputation as a fearless commander. That reputation served him well in putting down Arab terrorism in the territories, and in negotiating with Arab terrorist leaders such as Mahmoud Abbas.


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